Published : 2024-08-08

Lycium barbarum fruits –phytochemistry and activity of goji berries – from tradition to clinical studies

Monika Czerwińska

Marta Kuśnierek


The barbary wolfberry fruit (Lycium barbarum L.) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries as an anti-aging, anti-fatigue, immune-supporting, and soothing agent for many
age-related, mainly metabolic, oxidative, and inflammatory diseases. Edible fruits of Lbarbarum,
which are commercially available, are known as goji berries. Several studies suggest the therapeutic significance of this plant material as a dietary supplement or functional food. This literature review was aimed at gathering and systematizing the existing knowledge about L. barbarum fruits and was also an attempt to explain scientifically the wide application of these fruits in TCM. The literature review was made mainly using Scopus and Google Scholar databases. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies indicate the effectiveness of L. barbarum fruit extracts and their preparations in many diseases, especially of oxidative, metabolic, and inflammatory origin. Polysaccharides, carotenoids, and polyphenols prevailing in fruits are reported to be responsible for such properties. This review may provide a theoretical basis for further studying and extending the applications of the barbary wolfberry in the fields of medicine and dietetics.


Lycium barbarum, goji, polysaccharides





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Czerwińska, M., & Kuśnierek, M. (2024). Lycium barbarum fruits –phytochemistry and activity of goji berries – from tradition to clinical studies. Prospects in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 22(3), 35–57.

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