Published : 2024-05-16

Green Hospitals: A a remedy for the Climate Change Burden on the Polish Healthcare System

Weronika Tomiak

Robert Kupis

Janina Kowalik

Krystian Skrobisz


The global healthcare sector faces challenges, including an aging population and climate change concerns, contributing 4.4% to global greenhouse gas emissions. The Polish healthcare system, surpassing global averages in environmental impact, grapples with demographic challenges and disproportionate carbon emissions. This study explores the potential of green hospitals, integrating sustainable practices, to reduce the sector's environmental footprint. Recommendations for policymakers and healthcare stakeholders focus on energy, water management, and waste/recycling practices. The brief emphasizes water conservation in healthcare, citing successful case studies like the French Nephrocare network. Energy-efficient solutions, exemplified by the Philips BlueSeal MRI coupled with SmartSpeed acceleration engine, offer cost savings despite upfront expenses, aligning with Green Public Procurement (GPP) practices. Sustainable waste management practices – crucial for healthcare units – require training programs and recycling initiatives in green hospitals to minimize environmental impact. Despite challenges, green hospitals offer a promising avenue for the future of healthcare, contributing to improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, and a sustainable healthcare infrastructure. The brief emphasizes the need for immediate action, encouraging stakeholders to advocate for green hospital policies to minimize climate change's impact on public health.


climate change, green hospitals, environment, healthcare system, hospitals





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Tomiak, W., Kupis, R., Kowalik, J., & Skrobisz, K. (2024). Green Hospitals: A a remedy for the Climate Change Burden on the Polish Healthcare System. Prospects in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 22(2), 45–49.

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