Published : 2024-07-24

Dexmedetomidine as an additive to local anesthesia in dentistry

Alicja Stępień

Paweł Stępień

Julia Kornatowska


Local anesthetics are the most commonly used drugs in the dental office. They enable painless procedures within the oral cavity, bringing benefits for both the patient, who no longer needs to fear the pain, and the dentist, whose comfort and efficiency in work are increased through patient cooperation. Despite the wide availability of local anesthetics, new and better solutions are constantly sought. A recent innovation under investigation is the addition of dexmedetomidine to local anesthetics. Dexmedetomidine is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist with analgesic, anti-anxiety and sedative effects. It is commonly used in anesthesiology and intensive care for sedating patients in intensive care units, as a co-analgesic, and as an additive to local anesthetics during peripheral and central nerve blocks. Studies conducted on patients undergoing dental extractions show that adding dexmedetomidine to lidocaine, a commonly used local anesthetic, enhances its anesthetic effect. The α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist prolongs the duration of analgesic action and accelerates its onset. Additionally, it reduces postoperative discomfort and speeds up healing. At the same time, no negative impact on general parameters is noted. This makes it a promising substitute for other additives to local anesthetics, such as adrenaline, especially in patients with contraindications to its use.


dexmedetomidine, local anaesthetics, dental pain





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Stępień, A., Stępień, P., & Kornatowska, J. (2024). Dexmedetomidine as an additive to local anesthesia in dentistry. Prospects in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 22(3), 58–61.

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